Katie Zeliger

About the Author

Katie Zeliger is a women’s fiction, fantasy, and mystery author who enjoys weaving foreign countries and cultures into her stories, highlighting the counter-cultural ideas of Christianity in her storytelling. Katie got her starting writing as a kid—her mother, a great storyteller, would always read to her. In middle school, she joined the “Young Publisher’s Club” and continued on through high school. Katie became a missionary after attending YWAM (Youth With a Mission) right out of high school and spent 8 years living overseas in 16 different countries. At one point, she was conversational in 6 languages—now only Spanish and some French and Russian remain.  

Katie finds her inspiration in the character of God—and in how much the world misunderstands Jesus. She strives to tell stories that highlight His nature and character in a way that’s easy for them to receive: fiction! When she was overseas, she wrote prolifically on a blog about Christian living, culture, the character of God, and what He was speaking in different seasons. Before returning home, she was the assistant base leader of an outpost in Panama on a remote island in the Caribbean where they did ships based ministry. 

Katie is also a narrator with Living Audio Productions, through which she has done two books. When not writing herself, she runs a hybrid publishing company that offers published services. You can often find her reading new manuscripts or coaching authors through their various stages of editing. Her other “day job” is as a reflexologist and receptionist at a salon.

When at home, Katie loves listening to audiobooks while doing chores, making coffee and sharing deep talks with friends while sipping lattes, supporting her husband as he completes med school, and dreaming of a time when she can travel again.

Her Published Works

wild blue wonder press anthologies

other works