Kelsey Bryant

About the Author

Raised in a house with thousands of books, Kelsey has been writing stories ever since she can remember and dreaming of when her books would join the ranks. Now an editor as well, she loves helping other writers achieve their dreams.

She draws inspiration for her writing from the Greatest Story Ever Told, which culminates in the Messiah’s salvation offered to every person. Her life would be meaningless without her relationship with Yeshua (Jesus). She’s also inspired by the classics, especially the works of her favorite authors, such as Jane Austen, Elizabeth Goudge, L. M. Montgomery, and Elizabeth Gaskell.

Like some of her fictional characters, she grew up homeschooled. As an avid student of the Bible, she’s trying to make Hebrew her second language. To counteract all that sitting still, she loves being active, especially hiking, dancing, and practicing martial arts. Her other favorite things include deep conversations with her family and friends, handcrafting birthday cards, playing piano, listening to classical and Celtic music, and traveling. In fact, traveling always gives her a hefty dose of writing inspiration … especially when the UK is the destination.

Kelsey makes her home in the Texas Panhandle with her husband, their German shepherd, and their half-Siamese cat. And yes, Pippin is no exception to cats in general—he likes to sit on or in front of Kelsey’s laptop when she’s trying to work. How would we ever get anything done without cats?

Her Published Works

wild blue wonder press anthologies

the vintage jane austen series

standalone stories

a fairytale retelling

the six cousins series