
Wild Blue Wonder Press | Anthologies

Our third anthology, Fingerprints in Frost, is open for submissions!

Please turn in your submission by the end of the day, Saturday, September 21st, 2024. This collection will be published in March of 2025.

What are we looking for?

  • 5,000-10,000 word range. Less than 10,000 words is a hard rule.
  • Discusses all its themes from a Christian perspective, not shying away from the tougher questions. This means some stories may discuss subjects of a more mature nature.
  • The short stories should be Christian fiction and feature themes of family (particularly parenthood), embracing messiness and reality (whatever that may look like), and homemaking. We would love to see a child or infant character featured. The stories should be soft, gentle stories that feel homey and cozy even if they have sadder moments (through which the light of life can shine through!).
  • The stories should include frost (or cold weather) at some point, providing the opportunity for little “fingerprints in frost.” However, a literal description of fingerprints in frost is not required. The idea is to embrace the magic messiness of family.
  • Setting is unimportant—we welcome stories set in any country, state, or era. However, at present, we would like to avoid speculative fiction with the exception of “Kingdom Adventure” (non-magical fantasy).
  • Adhere to our statement of faith and are Biblically sound. Our statement of faith (and content guidelines) can be found here. These stories should be free of crude language and blasphemy, explicit sexual content, or gratuitous violence

Did you know we always make a Pinterest board for our anthologies? You can find Fingerprints in Frost on Pinterest here!

Formatting guidelines for the short story are as follows:

  • Standard 8.5″x11″ pages.
  • Times New Roman font, 12 point, body text justified, double spacing.
  • Use a 0.5″ indent rather than tabs for paragraphs. Center align any chapters.
  • Divide scenes with three asterisks (***), center aligned (no indent).
  • If your story has chapters, use the “header” function at 30 point and have each start on a new page. Please format them as “Chapter One,” “Chapter Two,” etc.
  • No headers or footers.
  • Label document/save document “name” as “Author Name – Story Title.”
  • For further information on our formatting guidelines, please view this post. If you have questions after reviewing this post, feel free to contact us.

How to Submit:

Submit the form below and email your completed short story as an attachment to

Or copy/paste this link into your browser:

Wild Blue Wonder Press | New Authors

Are you interested in starting or continuing your author career with Wild Blue Wonder Press?

We are looking for individual authors in the Christian fiction genre who would like to publish their novel with Wild Blue Wonder Press!

Genres we’re currently interested in working with:

  • Adult and young adult
  • Contemporary
  • Historical
  • Adventure
  • Mystery
  • Women’s Fiction
  • Romance

Genres we aren’t able to work with yet:

  • Split time/timeslip stories
  • Fantasy
  • Science fiction
  • Other subgenres of speculative fiction (magical realism, steampunk, etc.)
  • Middle grade

Genres we will likely never work with:

  • Horror
  • Nonfiction
  • Stories that contain the following: explicit sexual scenes, crude language or slurs, or unnecessarily graphic depictions of violence.
  • Anything that conflicts with our statement of faith.

The types of authors we’re looking for:

  • Christian writers who are interested in writing Christian fiction stories.
  • Writers who want a little more independence than a traditionally published author and a little more structure and aid than an indie author.
  • Writers who are dedicated to improving their craft and serving God through their writing.
  • Writers who are willing to collaborate in a professional manner with our Wild Blue Wonder Press team.

See the submission guidelines below if you are interested in publishing a story with Wild Blue Wonder Press!

Wild Blue Wonder Press | Submission Guidelines

Are you interested in becoming an author with Wild Blue Wonder Press?

Simply send an email to!

Please include a query letter that includes why you want to publish with us, a brief pitch of your story, and a paragraph describing your writing history, and a synopsis of your story that contains the beginning, middle, and end of your story, the main character(s), and any other relevant details.

We will contact you in reply shortly to ask for further details and arrange a call or let you know if your project is not a good fit.

Interested in knowing what it’s like to publish with Wild Blue Wonder Press? Please feel free to contact us directly with questions via the email above or through social media. We’re happy to chat!