Katja H. Labonté

About the Author

Katja H. Labonté is a Christian, an extreme bibliophile who devours over 365 books in a year, and an exuberant writer with a talent for starting short stories that explode into book series. She’s a bilingual French-Canadian and has about a dozen topics she’s excessively passionate about (hint: that’s why she writes). 

Katja has been writing since she was about 7. When she was 12, she  met a fellow writer for the first time and realized writing was something that could be serious and shared. Inspired by her life and the stories around her, Katja has continued writing, producing several novels, short stories, and novellas, some of which have appeared in traditionally and independently published anthologies! She participates in various writing communities and activities such as the King’s Daughters’ Writing Camp and Glory Writers. Her first publications were poems featured in Young Writers of Canada poetry anthologies. 

Katja is a broken, slowly healing storyteller who longs to share hope and healing with other broken souls around her. She desires to encourage and share truth, love, peace, and joy with her readers, as well as to give a voice to people who feel voiceless and completely alone, unseen, unheard, uncared for. Her heart for storytelling is reflected in each of her works, which are centered around themes of redemption, forgiveness, faith, hope, and healing. Her love for classics is also a central aspect of her writing, giving her work a lovely old-fashioned style.

Katja’s love for history inspires her favorite reads, which include Basic Principles of Speech by William Trufant Foster & Lew Sarett; Daniel Boone: Wilderness Scout by Stewart Edward White; Enemy Brothers by Constance Savery; The Railway Children by Edith Nesbit; How to Win Friends & Influence People by Dale Carnegie; the Anne of Green Gables series by Lucy Maud Montgomery; and many more! When she’s not indulging in a good book or writing, she enjoys watching 1930s-1950s films and shows, studying history, and crafting thoughtful reviews of her latest reads.

A certified editor, Katja launched her services in early 2024, and plans to independently publish her stories and create a ministry through her writing, and to independently publish her stories and create a ministry through her writing. Her main goal is to spread the truth she’s been shown as widely as possible, and let God direct it to those who need it! Her latest stories have been featured in King’s Daughters’ Writing Camp anthologies, Hope and Everything, and CDXC Aurora Lux Libri anthologies, Seize the Night and Seize the Love. 

Katja lives in Canada with her family (including eight younger siblings) and spends most of her time explaining how to pronounce her name to anglophones and francophones alike! (Hint: it’s pronounced “Kahtsya.” But she often goes by Kats.)

Her Published Works

wild blue wonder press anthologies
